Penn State hosts WAICY 2023

The Readiness Institute at Penn State is thrilled to announce it will partner with the World Artificial Intelligence Competition for Youth (WAICY) as the U.S. host for WAICY 2023. WAICY encourages kids around the world to build and submit AI projects that could solve real-world problems, including climate change, human rights, global public health care, and more.

Catching up with Summer Program alum Grace Ravenstahl

As many of the learners from our Readiness Institute Summer Program know, our connection doesn’t just end after the summer. We continue to stay in touch with learners when they go back for their senior year, after they graduate high school, and beyond. We’ve been checking in with some of the young adults who were a part of program and have now graduated high school and are on to their next steps of adulthood.

Catching up with Summer Program alum Kivon Currington

As many of the learners from our Readiness Institute Summer Program know, our connection doesn’t just end after the summer. We continue to stay in touch with learners when they go back for their senior year, after they graduate high school, and beyond. We’ve been checking in with some of the young adults who were a part of program and have now graduated high school and are on to their next steps of adulthood. 

Catching up with Summer Program alum Madeleine Whitewolf

As many of the learners from our Readiness Institute Summer Program know, our connection doesn’t just end after the summer. We continue to stay in touch with learners when they go back for their senior year, after they graduate high school, and beyond. We recently checked in with some of the young adults who were a part of program and have now graduated high school and are on to their next steps of adulthood. 

Catching up with Summer Program alum Heidi Stephenson

As many of the learners from our Readiness Institute Summer Program know, our connection doesn’t just end after the summer. We continue to stay in touch with learners when they go back for their senior year, after they graduate high school, and beyond. We recently checked in with some of the young adults who were a part of program and have now graduated high school and are on to their next steps of adulthood. 

Catching up with Summer Program alum Ahmonti Nyzeria Ondo

As many of the learners from our Readiness Institute Summer Program know, our connection doesn’t just end after the summer. We continue to stay in touch with learners when they go back for their senior year, after they graduate high school, and beyond. We recently checked in with some of the young adults who were a part of program and have now graduated high school and are on to their next steps of adulthood. 

Final week of Summer Program sends off new group of community and future ready learners

As another year of the Readiness Institute Summer Program comes to a close, there are 64 new agents of change ready to go back to their schools and communities — to be better learners, to be effective leaders, and to make an impact on the future.

Week three empowers learners with real-world skills in finance and entrepreneurship

How does SpongeBob SquarePants make sure he’s investing in businesses without getting fooled by greenwashing? That’s one fictional situation a group of Summer Program learners created this week to help explain a lesson in sustainable investing.