Catching up with Summer Program alum Ethan Anish

As many of the learners from our Readiness Institute Summer Program know, our connection doesn’t just end after the summer. We continue to stay in touch with learners when they go back for their senior year, after they graduate high school, and beyond. We’ve been checking in with some of the young adults who were a part of program and have now graduated high school and are on to their next steps of adulthood.

Ethan Anish

Ethan with a piece of basketball netWhere are you now?

I am currently Duquesne University where I am studying finance (pre-law). I am also a member of the Duquesne University men’s basketball team.

What do you enjoy most about where you are now?

What I enjoy most are the relationships I’ve built from basketball and school.

How has your life changed since the Readiness Institute?

I have just finished my freshman year of college as a finance (pre-law) major. Playing for the men’s basketball team while juggling 18 credits a semester was challenging, but only confirmed to myself that I was capable of the challenge.

How did the Readiness Institute help you prepare for where you are now?

The Readiness Institute prepared me by imprinting a need to push myself and trust myself when pursuing my goals.

What is your favorite memory of the Readiness Institute?

Our trip to Penn State University Park. That was such a fun trip!

What’s one thing on your bucket list — personally or professionally — that you would like to check off in the next five years?

With the workload I am taking on, I want to graduate after 3 years, or in my junior year.

What advice or message do you have for your fellow Readiness Institute alums? 

Not only creating a network but also putting an emphasis on making quality relationships are extremely important in and beyond high school. 

See all Summer Program blog posts