Catching up with Summer Discovery alum Stephan Mirtchev

As many Readiness Institute Summer Discovery learners know, the connection doesn’t just end after the summer. We continue to stay in touch with program graduates when they go back for their senior year, after they graduate from high school, and beyond. Let’s check in with one of the young adults who was a part of program.

Stephan Mirtchev

Stephan in a suit standing in front of a houseWhere are you now?

I am currently at the University of Pittsburgh, studying mathematics while also taking advantage of the benefits of being a student in Frederick Honors College.

What do you enjoy most about where you are now?

Both the breadth of new people I’ve been meeting and the accelerated classes that keep me on my toes.

How has your life changed since the Readiness Institute?

It’s certainly gotten busier, for one! The Readiness Institute managed to break me out of my social shell, but the consequence of that was a rapid increase in work on every front. I’ve learned to appreciate more activities as stress relievers, though, so I’ve started singing a capella and learning HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts)!

How did the Readiness Institute help you prepare for where you are now?

One of the Readiness Institute’s main triumphs was teaching me the importance of grasping new opportunities. When presented with a menagerie of diverse experiences and locations every week, one must be able to ask questions, poke around, and open doors whenever possible. At a bare minimum, follow the RI’s mantra and show up.

What is your favorite memory of the Readiness Institute?

The first and last days, when I could interact with my fellow members, and especially when I had the honor to wear the Penn State lapel pin!

What’s one thing on your bucket list — personally or professionally — that you would like to check off in the next five years?

There’s the obvious answer of graduating from college, but I’d prefer not to rest on my laurels after that. Thus, my goal is to find stable employment (or dive back into academia for a Ph.D.) within the next five years.

What advice or message do you have for your fellow Readiness Institute alums? 

There’s an ocean of new people out there and dedicated leaders/workers to make sure you can interact with them. Embrace those opportunities and get your face out, but make sure to keep in touch with friends you already have.

See all Summer Discovery blog posts