Meet the 2024 Summer Discovery Instructors in Pittsburgh

As we count down the days to the start of the 2024 Summer Discovery program, we’re thrilled to introduce you to the talented instructors who will be guiding our participants all summer. From cutting-edge technology to creative arts and beyond, each instructor brings a unique blend of expertise and passion to our program. Read on to get into the minds of our Summer Discovery instructors and discover what makes them the driving force behind our transformative educational experience.

We are also lucky to have four returning instructors to the Pittsburgh cohorts this year — Kayleigh, Morgan (back for her 4th summer!), Stephanie, and Julia! 

Kayleigh GaborekKayleigh and dog posing

Start on Success Educator, Pittsburgh Westinghouse Academy 6-12

What are you most excited about doing this summer with Readiness Institute Summer Discovery?
I’m most excited about meeting this year’s learners and all of the trips!

What are you currently reading, watching, and/or listening to?
Reading: How to Adult: Personal Finance for the Real World by Jake Cousineau
Listening: New Mindset, Who Dis? podcast
Watching: Bridgerton

Favorite quote?
“Patience means that you already trust that it will happen.” — Idil Ahmed

Favorite subject when you were in high school?
My favorite class in high school was French because of the environment that my teacher created. She made each student feel welcomed, shared stories with us, and made space for us to be ourselves.

What is the biggest lesson you learned in high school or post-graduation? 
The biggest lesson that I have learned post-graduation is to make peace of mind my highest goal. It doesn’t matter what others think about me or my decisions or whether my life conforms to even my previous ideas. At the end of the day, success to me is feeling at peace and content with the life that I am creating. 

What is your favorite memory from a past RI Summer Program?
My favorite memory was our trip to the Sarah Heinz House. Everyone had so much fun playing with the different robots and laser printing on wood!

Morgan HarouseVolunteers standing with a wheelbarrow full of dirt while planting flowers in a community garden

English Teacher, Cornell School District

What are you most excited about doing this summer with Readiness Institute Summer Discovery?
I am most excited to form meaningful connections while learning something new each day!

What are you currently reading, watching, and/or listening to?
I just finished reading First Lie Wins by Ashley Elston, which was full of twists and turns. I am reading The Women by Kristin Hannah next, and I hear it’s a powerful one!

Favorite place in Pittsburgh?
I love going to get coffee in the strip before walking along the river.

Favorite quote?
My favorite quote is Theodore Roosevelt’s The Man in the Arena. It is a long one, but such an important reminder.

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

Favorite subject when you were in high school?
My favorite subject in high school had to be a tie between English and history. I love reading and learning about the past.

What is the biggest lesson you learned in high school or post-graduation? 
The biggest lesson I learned post-graduation is that resilience is important and will carry you through the job market and life in general!

What is your favorite memory from a past RI Summer Program?
My favorite memory would be working in Sunny’s Community Garden. Sunny and what she built are so inspiring!

Stephanie ByarsStephanie Byars

Spanish Teacher and Yearbook Advisor, Brashear High School

What are you most excited about doing this summer with Readiness Institute Summer Discovery?
Getting to know the students and seeing them interact with one another!

What are you currently reading, watching, and/or listening to?
I just finished Stay Awake by Megan Goldin. I love a good thriller! I’m watching the second part of Bridgerton, season 3.

Favorite place in Pittsburgh?
Does my bed count? No? Then probably Waffles INCaffeinated.

Favorite quote?
“Don’t modulate the key then not debate with me.” — Lin-Manuel Miranda as Hamilton in Hamilton

Favorite subject when you were in high school?
Spanish, of course! But only because musical theater wasn’t a subject.

What is the biggest lesson you learned in high school or post-graduation?
It’s healthy to set boundaries with the people in your life.

What is your favorite memory from a past RI Summer Program?
Honestly, watching the students in Cohort B get to know each other and form bonds and be silly and/or serious and problem solve together was the best part of the summer.

Julia WainwrightJulia Wainwright

What are you most excited about doing this summer with Readiness Institute Summer Discovery?
Connecting the youth to life-changing opportunities.

What are you currently reading, watching, and/or listening to?
I’m currently listening to my own music as I plan to drop some pop music for the first time this summer.

Favorite place in Pittsburgh?
Mount Washington Overlook and my music studio

Favorite quote?
“When it comes to working towards success, stay standing, because that single moment of laziness that convinces you to sit down only makes it harder to get back up” — me

Favorite subject when you were in high school?

What is the biggest lesson you learned in high school or post-graduation? 
You are capable of anything that you put your mind to. You’re just as good as anybody else, even if it doesn’t seem like it sometimes. Take care of yourself.

Audrey SasalaAudrey Sasala

What are you most excited about doing this summer with Readiness Institute Summer Discovery?
I am so excited to meet all of the students and to help guide them through this journey so that hopefully they are able to make wonderful memories and learn more about who they are and who they want to be.

What are you currently reading, watching, and/or listening to?
I am currently reading tons of romance novels, I have been watching Bridgerton, and I am ALWAYS listening to Taylor Swift.

Favorite place in Pittsburgh?
I love all of the stadiums. I am a huge Pittsburgh sports fan (especially hockey). I love the stadiums and the atmosphere because it is where people all come together to enjoy something they love!

Favorite quote?
“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

I like this quote because it can inspire the courage to be unique and to be brave and take a chance on being different and trying something new.

Favorite subject when you were in high school?

What is the biggest lesson you learned in high school or post-graduation? 
I learned that it is okay to say no to things. In high school, I prioritized trying to do everything I could and focused on building my résumé and keeping myself busy too much. I realized that I could still do things but it was just as important to take time for myself. Self-care is so important and it is something that people of any age should be doing, so make sure you give yourself grace and a break because you deserve it!

Jay D’AmbrosioJay D'Ambrosio

History Teacher, Hampton Township School District

What are you most excited about doing this summer with Readiness Institute Summer Discovery?
I’m looking forward to working with students and helping them get more in touch with their own personal interests and vision for their lives. 

What are you currently reading, watching, and/or listening to?
I am currently reading Dominion by Tom Holland, watching The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch, and listening to The Rest is History podcast.

Favorite place in Pittsburgh?
The Point by Fort Duquesne and Fort Pitt

Favorite quote?
“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” — Gandalf, The Fellowship of the Ring

Favorite subject when you were in high school?
English literature, anatomy and physiology

What is the biggest lesson you learned in high school or post-graduation?
Get to know your teachers and professors as fellow human beings.

Ezekiel AdesaweEzekiel Adesawe

Graduate Assistant, Penn State

What are you most excited about doing this summer with Readiness Institute Summer Discovery?
Programs like this are transformational, so I’m excited to be part of it. I have, in fact, done similar programs, but I’m more excited to be part of a bigger summer program that will positively impact the lives of the participants.

What are you currently reading, watching, and/or listening to?
The Home Place by Drew Lanham.

Favorite place in Pittsburgh?
Never been there, so I’m basically looking forward to experiencing it. 

Favorite quote?
“It’s possible to get great things from a small place.”

Favorite subject when you were in high school?
Social studies. I loved reading about people and the different social dynamics and culture.

What is the biggest lesson you learned in high school or post-graduation? 
Make quality friends, you will need them on your journey as much as they will need you.

Tracy PostTracy Post

Carlynton Jr/Sr High School, Carlynton School District

What are you most excited about doing this summer with Readiness Institute Summer Discovery?
I am most excited about collaborating with educators from around the area to bring opportunities of self-reflection and self-growth to high schoolers.

What are you currently reading, watching, and/or listening to?
I am currently reading The Mountain Is You by Brianna West. I am currently watching Turning Point: The Bomb and the Cold War on Netflix, and I am currently listening to the Bridgerton Season 3 Soundtrack on Spotify.

Favorite place in Pittsburgh?
I love going to the Theater District. All of the theaters have amazing architecture and history as well as the spectacular shows you get to experience while there.

Favorite quote?
It’s a 3 way tie!!

“Never regret anything because at one time it was exactly what you wanted.” — Marilyn Monroe 

“Be you, unapologetically.” — Maya Angelou  

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” — Eleanor Roosevelt

Favorite subject when you were in high school?
I loved it all — well, except science. I just don’t get it!

What is the biggest lesson you learned in high school or post-graduation? 
You have to know who you are if you are going to design the life you want. This is not being selfish, it is being self-sufficient. Life is made up of chapters. Write your own story and when you have grown through an experience, know when it is time to move on; don’t be afraid to turn the page to the next chapter of your life. Don’t judge yourself too harshly for the mistakes you have made because everything happens for a reason and you are human. Give yourself and others the grace and space to grow.

Eric AllenEric Allen

Special Education Teacher, Pittsburgh Greenfield PreK–8 (Pittsburgh Public Schools)

What are you most excited about doing this summer with Readiness Institute Summer Discovery?
I am excited about working with the staff as well as getting to know the young people who make up the program. This will be something different from what I am used to doing, and I am looking forward to the new experiences and opportunities that are ahead of me.

What are you currently reading, watching, and/or listening to?
Reading, I just finished The House in the Cerulean Sea, watching Bridgerton (trying to not binge), always listening to reggae.

Favorite place in Pittsburgh?
Schenley Park, Highmark Stadium, PNC Park, Strip District

Favorite quote?
“Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it.”

Favorite subject when you were in high school?
Any math or science class

What is the biggest lesson you learned in high school or post-graduation? 
Time waits for no one……..(one of the biggest).

Meet our Central PA instructors